What Is Bamboo Massage?
In Bamboo Massage, hollow bamboo canes are used as a massage tool, either warmed or at room temperature. The bamboo cane replaces the therapist's hands, and it is used to give a deep, firm massage. The cane is held by the therapist and rolled over the muscle with the same strokes they would use with their hands. The muscle is then kneaded, which assists in the release of tension and easing of knots. Massage practitioners often use the whole arm from elbow to wrist, and the use of the bamboo cane replaces this technique.
This technique works in a very similar way to stone massage. Hands are used to work over the muscles and the cane is used to focus on the knots. As the cane is used instead of the hand, various techniques and modalities can be incorporated in the use of the bamboo canes. This can have the benefit of less stress to the practitioner's hands and arms.
Where Did Bamboo Massage Originate?
The history of bamboo massage is not well known but believed to have started in South East Asia, by a resourceful Asian spa therapist. In South East Asia they believe that Bamboo is "the good luck plant". beforehand oil is used to help the bamboo glide across the skin.
What is Bamboo Made Out Of?
Bamboo is a hollow and a grass. Rattan is a solid and a palm. These plants are strong and fast growing in South East Asia. Both plants are used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. The medicinal purposes are both topical and oral. Also, Bamboo is edible.
Why Should I Try A Bamboo Massage?
- Improves clarity of mind
- Improves joint stiffness
- Improves lymphatic drainage
- Improves sleep quality
- Releases endorphins
The information on this page came from Sonia Osorio (May-June 2008). "Bamboo Massage A Meeting Of Past And Present" (Article). Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals. Massage & Bodywork Magazine. Retrieved June 21, 2021.